
"Atalanta" is a captivating oil on canvas that radiates a sense of stillness and intensity. The subject's piercing blue eyes emerge as the focal point, contrasting powerfully with the fiery red hues that envelop her. This painting symbolizes strength, individuality, and the inner resilience of feminine energy. The texture of the brushstrokes, combined with subtle details, creates a layered narrative about defiance, transformation, and the profound connection between vulnerability and power. The soft yet commanding gaze invites the viewer to explore themes of identity and self-reclamation, paying homage to the mythic qualities of its namesake.


With dimensions of 61 cm in height and 46 cm in width, "Atalanta" is a medium-sized artwork that offers a balance of intimacy and presence. Its proportions make it versatile for both personal and professional settings, where its vibrant colors and compelling narrative can captivate any space. The piece's bold palette and evocative expression ensure it becomes a centerpiece that sparks conversation and introspection.



